How Vulnerable is a Woman in Public?
Women are extremely vulnerable in public spaces. We are constantly scanning the environment, assessing the risks and keeping an escape plan ready. We avoid certain situations where we suspect there could be a high probability of being harassed. Some of us look at mitigating the damage, the rest are on flight or fight mode. But most of us know that every time we step out of the house, we are putting ourselves in danger of being harassed.
While discussing certain recent events, a few of us wondered if there was even a single woman who has never been harassed in public. The only way to find out was by creating a poll, which would give a dipstick analysis of how deep seated the problem really is.
The poll was simple, and addressed only at women-
“Have you ever been sexually assaulted, harassed or made to feel vulnerable in a public place?”
Two choices were provided- No/ Yes
To add one level of hygiene, people who said they had never been harassed in public were requested to leave a comment, so the numbers could be cross verified.
At the request of men who wanted to see the results, the original poll was deleted and a new one created which had a third option- ‘male. Here for results’.
Of the 272 women who responded, 238 (86%) said they had been assaulted, sexually harassed or made to feel vulnerable in a public space at least once.
Of the female respondents in the poll, only 14% reported never having been assaulted, sexually harassed or made to feel vulnerable in a public space. However, this number may not reflect reality, because only three of the 38 respondents left a comment identifying themselves. Assuming all who voted read the instructions carefully, only 1% of the respondents have never been made to feel vulnerable in public.
In the absence of data, it would not be fair to speculate on whether the number of women who have never been harassed is 1% or 14%, but regardless of the exact percentage, it is clear than an overwhelming majority of women have been sexually harassed.
Many respondents said that there should have been more options so the magnitude of harassment could also be captured. One mentioned that there should have been an option for ‘100s of times’ and that statement found wide resonance among women. Another woman even calculated the level of harassment one faces and came up with a very similar number.
At the start of the poll, one man commented that had the poll been restricted to women in UP and Delhi (two states perceived to be the most dangerous for women), the figure could be as high as 80 to 85%. If he sees the result of the poll, I am sure he will be suitably shocked. Women across the country have been harassed much more than what he feels would be the level of harassment in the worst states!
62% respondents were men who wanted the results.
In a way, I am glad the number is that high. Now, men will realize exactly how vulnerable women in India actually are. They probably expected the number to be closer to 1/3rd or at the most half. But now they know that seven in eight woman has been harassed at least once.
It is important that they know this, because the perpetrators are male, and only men can stop other men from indulging in what could be called “casual harassment”. It is the harassment that men justify with a “it’s just fun, don’t take it seriously”. It is those comments passed at women in buses and trains. Those unwelcome stares. The casual brushing against private parts. All of which the man forgets about when he gets off the bus or train, but which leaves a permanent scar on the woman’s psyche because of how vulnerable she felt when it was happening to her.
A woman is vulnerable to harassment or assault every time she steps into a public space. And it is not right.
*two women said they selected Option A by mistake, and the correction was made